What To Expect In An Energy Work Session

What does an Energy work session look like? I receive this question quite often from potential clients. It's a very understandable question especially since I have a unique program and a unique modality. Because I access several modalities, I utilize several of them throughout the appointment, I'd like to share with you only the basic Energy work session.

A client comes in and fills out the intake form. Then we talk a bit not only about what we want to work on but to integrate the person into the room. When I feel the client is settled down and I have an idea of the direction we're going toward, I have them lie on the massage table, typically on their back (so they're face up).

The initial main goal is to help the client relax and feel at ease with me. It is much easier to work on a client when they're most comfortable.

Many people tend to be in their heads for multiple reasons. We're always thinking, planning, calculating, etc. And there a many times people don't have the time to "feel" everything that's happening in their busy and active day. Of course that's where I start my work, releasing the energy locked in the head. How does energy get locked? We hold tension in our neck and shoulders.

My goal is to feel the energy or lack of energy passing through this area. Then the next step is to hold the area with subtle tension till the energy releases. I will do additional steps of different hand positions to help with releasing the energy blocks. Then I work on different points along the neck, shoulders and the upper corners of the chest till I get the balanced flow coming through.

The next area to be worked on is the chest. Feeling the heart and its rhythm. Then watching the breath and how it moves succinctly with the heart. The kind of breath like belly breathing, shallow upper chest breathing. I watch how tightly or relaxed their respiration is.

Most importantly, my attention will be draw to things that are subtle or what appears insignificant. The only way I can describe what calls me is how "loud" it gets. Something small or insignificant will pulse, zap. or vibrate to get my attention. Sometimes just a negging feeling in me to go to a specific place on the body. It can be quite intuitive in my process while working on a client.

Next comes the abdomen including the pelvis. I feel for tight or weak areas. I also listen for sounds and which area of the gut they are coming from can tell me the energy flow is calming the client or relaxing an organ. With my hands I follow the digestive path.

For the arms and legs, I tend to follow meridians with the my finger tips. I also feel for the grounding pathways. From shoulders to fingertips and hips to toes opening the flow and finding vibrational spots needing freeing.

Additionally the sides of the body are opened up for moving energy. Many times what I like to do is roll the leg inward very gently to feel the flow and releasing of energy in the outer leg. Freeing up energy will feel differently from practitioner to practitioner. Many times I feel this flow as a vibration.

Energies in the body show up in many ways. A vibration, a lack of vibration (too quiet), heat, a jolt (or zap), or a bold pulse. Additionally when I feel something in my own body, an unusual sensation or pain, I will know to go to that spot on the client and touch or hold the same area. Once it's calmed in me, I know it has shifted for the client.

Intuitive queues come through me with regard to emotions, spiritual or life topics to talk about with the client. For instance, If I get sad when I'm working in an area, I know there's a trapped emotion. There are times I don't know the specific emotion and when that happens I wait to receive more information or there's no need to know, just that I'm moving and releasing it for them.

Closing the energy body is the last step to do on the table. I tend to rock the body, it's great for the flow of the body. It also stimulates the client to come into their body and feel more present.

Then a short talk after to share more informations which can include specific exercise, stretch, pose, a Qi Quong movement, supplement, foods eat or to avoid, or a practice to work on.

Each person will have a unique experience. And we will process it afterwards differently. Some will be tired, or feel energized, have lucid dreaming, or be more emotional. Give it 2 to 3 days to feel the shift.